This is a Big Lottery funded volunteering programme, run by the Evelyn Oldfield Unit.
The aim is to support more people from BAMER backgrounds to access local and meaningful volunteering opportunities, where they are able to share their talents & skills to the local community through volunteering, while at the same time, develop new skills and experiences that will increase their own job and life prospects.
The Unit works alongside local borough-based networks and forums to:
- Support volunteer-involving organisations through a network – Refugee, Migrants & BME community organisations work alongside mainstream organisations and volunteers to develop good practice and provide a ‘think-tank’ to create sustainable and high impact volunteering projects locally.
- Volunteer Bank – A bespoke volunteer brokerage service tailored fit to refugees and migrants, maximising their skills to benefit the community, whilst enhancing their life/job prospects.
- Support for Trustees – Training more local refugee & migrants to share high level / strategic skills as mentors or trustees and enable local charities to navigate through this challenging times.
- Volunteers Sharing Scheme – Developing links and sharing of expertise between mainstream voluntary organisations and RMCOs by swapping volunteers as experience building placements.
- Building good practice – Pooling together of resources and sharing of expertise through creation of volunteering guides, templates, toolkits specifically tailored by/for RMCOs.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact us at or give us a call on 020 7697 4100.