
Celebrating Women Project

Migrant and refugee women are rendered vulnerable due to their traumatic experiences pre-migration, and through the challenges they face during the journey, the asylum process and as they settle in their new country. Many are not able to access statutory services due to their lack of proficiency in English, which further exacerbates their experience of isolation.

The Celebrating Women Project provides support to vulnerable refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women – particularly those affected by violence or trauma. It also aims to support organisations that work with vulnerable migrant women. The project addresses issues arising from experiences pre-migration, during the asylum process and the challenges faced here in the UK. It aims to build women’s power to enable them to lead better lives by providing activities, training and engagement events.

Between 2014 and 2016, the project’s Comic Relief-funded predecessor, reached over 350 beneficiaries. 83% have developed better social and communication skills to put their messages across. 83% report an increased level of confidence. 89% reported taking action for their voices to be heard. The Celebrating Women Project aims to uphold this legacy and continue supporting vulnerable women.

To find out how you or your organisation can get involved, please contact Latefa at 0207 697 4100 or

“It was extremely helpful to be able to discuss difficult issues in a supportive environment with women who have experienced many of the issues raised throwing light and insight on what are complex matters,” Former Supporting Women participant.
